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Attorney Registration Obligations

On or before October 1 of each calendar year, Indiana attorneys with an active or inactive license status are required to complete an attorney registration process.  Like paying taxes or open enrollment for health insurance, it will come around like clockwork every year.

The Office of Admissions and Continuing Education sends notice by email to every Indiana attorney no later than August 1 each year as a reminder to complete registration. However, failure to receive the notice does not mitigate an attorney’s obligation to do so, and an attorney’s failure to complete the process by the deadline will result in late fees and possible license suspension.

Annual registration is completed online at the Indiana Courts Portal (

In order to complete their registration obligations, attorneys must:

1. Review and, if necessary, update contact information

The Office of Judicial Administration relies on having accurate contact information to communicate with attorneys. Attorneys are obligated to update their contact information within 30 days of any change. Failure to keep this information current may result in attorneys not receiving electronic service through the statewide e-filing system, appellate orders and opinions, and important notices about annual registration, continuing education, and more.

2. Certify Interest on Lawyer Trust Account (IOLTA) status

Attorneys must either provide their (or their firm’s) IOLTA account information or a reason why they should be exempt.

3. Report direct pro bono hours and financial contributions

To help the Supreme Court evaluate and encourage volunteer legal services in Indiana, unless exempt, attorneys must report the hours and dollars spent providing pro bono service. As an example, in 2024 attorneys will report hours and dollars spent during calendar year 2023.

4. Annual registration fee payment

Attorneys must pay an annual registration fee to keep their licenses in good standing. The fee amount varies depending on whether attorneys have an active or inactive license status. Fees increase if not paid by the deadline. Note that the deadlines pass after exactly 11:59 p.m. (Eastern time) on the due date.

 Paid 8/1-10/1 Paid 10/2-10/15 Paid 10/16-12/31 Paid after 12/31
Active $180.00 $310.00 $360.00 $510.00
Inactive $90.00 $140.00 $190.00 $190.00
Retired $0.00 Fees/Penalties based on attorney's status as of 10/1