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Certified Swine Sample Collector (CSSC) Training Program

The Certified Swine Sample Collector (CSSC)  Training Program:

This training program is a national effort to increase sampling capacity during a foreign animal disease (FAD) incident in swine. It authorizes producers and/or animal caretakers on site to collect and submit diagnostic samples for FAD diagnostic testing when authorized.

The CSSC Training Program is an important part of the Securing Indiana's Pork Supply Program. Work with your herd veterinarian to ensure an adequate number of staff members are trained to collect samples. Having certified samplers on the farm will speed up the time to get a diagnosis as well as maintain higher levels of biosecurity during a disease event.

To become a Certified Swine Sample Collector, a Category 2 accredited veterinarian must identify and train designated individuals associated with the farm using the national Certified Swine Sample Collector Training Program standards.

Information for Veterinarians:

Training veterinarians must use the standards of the National Certified Swine Sample Collector (CSSC) program for training.

Veterinarians should contact BOAH’s Swine Director, Dr. Kelli Werling, at or (317) 607-7071 for access to the training exams and answer keys. After training is complete, documentation must be submitted by the veterinarian to BOAH at

Information for Producers:

Contact your herd veterinarian about training and certification. The training curriculum can be viewed here:

Once Enrolled:

Trainees must renew their certification annually by demonstrating competency in sample collection to their veterinarian.


Contact Dr. Kelli Werling at or (317) 607-7071 with questions about the Certified Swine Sample Collector (CSSC) Training Program.