Endorsements and restrictions may be placed on a credential (driver’s license, learner’s permit, or identification card) to designate specific operational authority or restrictions on a driver’s authority to operate a motor vehicle.



CDL Endorsements
Motor Driven Cycle Endorsement
An MDC endorsement is applied to an ID card for the purpose of operating a Motor Driven Cycle. You must be at least 15 years of age and pass the MDC knowledge exam to have this endorsement added to your ID card.
Endorsement L – Motorcycle Endorsement
To add a motorcycle endorsement to your Indiana driver’s license, you must provide proof of successful completion of a Ride Safe Indiana motorcycle safety training course OR have passed both the motorcycle knowledge exam and the motorcycle skills exam.
Learn more about the motorcycle endorsement
Endorsement 2 – For Hire
To add a for-hire endorsement to your Indiana driver’s license, you must pass the for-hire knowledge exam or possess a chauffeur’s or public passenger chauffeur’s license that has not been expired for more than 180 days.
Learn more about the for-hire endorsement
Base license endorsements have no impact on your commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operational authority. These endorsements only authorize additional operational authority on your base driving privileges.
Restriction B – Glasses or contact lenses
The driver must wear glasses or contact lenses when driving.
Restriction C – Mechanical Aid (Adaptive Devices)
The restriction C is applied to a learner’s permit or driver’s license when the driver indicates they are using a mechanical aid (special brakes, hand controls, spinner/steering knob or other adaptive devices) when driving.
Restriction D – Prosthetic Aid
The restriction D is applied to a learner’s permit or driver’s license when the driver indicates they have a prosthetic aid and they wish to have it appear on their learner’s permit or driver’s license.
Restriction F – Outside Rearview Mirror
The driver must use an outside rearview mirror when driving.
This restriction may only be applied to and removed from learner’s permits and driver’s licenses based on the results of the vision screening at the time of application.
Restriction G – Daylight Driving Only
The driver may only drive during daylight hours.
This restriction may only be applied to and removed from learner’s permits and driver’s licenses based on the results of the vision screening at the time of application.
Restriction H – M/C Three Wheel Bike Only
The restriction H is applied to a driver’s license with a motorcycle endorsement when the motorcycle skills examiner indicates on the motorcycle skills exam results that the examination was passed on a three wheel motorcycle.
To remove the restriction, the driver must pass a motorcycle skills exam or complete an approved motorcycle safety course on a standard motorcycle.
Restriction J – Other
A restriction J is applied to a driver’s license when the license holder has specific restrictions to their driving privileges based on driving ability or BMV recommendation. A driver may be required to meet one or more of the following restrictions:
- Accompanying Driver
- Annual Drive Skills Exam
- Annual Medical Review
- Automatic Transmission
- Biennial Vision Screening
- Bioptic Lenses/Annual Skills Exam or Annual Vision Screening
- Fender Mount Spot Mirrors
- For Training Purposes Only
- Less Than 5, 10, or 20 Miles From Home
- Must Stay Compliant With Medication
- No Interstate or Highway Driving
- Power Steering
- Training Purposes/Night Evaluation
Learner's permit holders must follow all current state laws regarding the ages and number of vehicle occupants, when practice driving can begin, and time of day driving restrictions.
Restriction S – M/C with Side Car Only
The restriction S is applied to a driver’s license with a motorcycle endorsement when the motorcycle skills examiner indicates on the motorcycle skills exam result that the examination was passed on a motorcycle with a side car.
To remove the restriction, the driver must pass a motorcycle skills exam or complete an approved motorcycle safety course on a standard motorcycle.
Restriction 2 – Habitual Traffic Violator (HTV) Conditional
A Restriction 2 indicates that the driver is subject to alcohol (chemical) testing if requested by a law enforcement officer, while operating a motor vehicle. In addition, the driver must not operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of .02 or more. At the time of the application for a credential, the driver will be required to sign an affidavit acknowledging his/her obligation to submit to blood alcohol testing.
Restriction 3 – Photo Exempt
This restriction may be placed on a driver’s license or learner’s permit when a customer requests a photo-exempt driver’s license or learner’s permit due to religious or medical reasons.
This restriction is placed on an identification card when a customer requests a photo-exempt identification card due to religious reasons only.
To remove the exemption, the driver must visit a BMV branch and have his or her photo taken for a new driver’s license, learner’s permit, or identification card.
Restriction 5 – Conditional
This restriction is applied to a driver’s license when driving privileges are restricted to the parameters of a court order granting specialized driving privileges. If specialized driving privileges are granted by a court, an effective SR22 is required to be on file with the BMV for the duration of the specialized driving privileges. A copy of the court order granting specialized driving privileges must be carried in the vehicle being operated by the person with a Restriction 5. The driver must produce a copy of the court order granting specialized driving privileges upon request of a law enforcement officer. The driver must also carry a validly issued driver’s license with a Restriction 5.
After the restriction expires, the driver may apply for an amended or renewed credential to have the restriction removed.
Restriction 6 – Ignition Interlock Device
A court can require an ignition interlock device for a driver convicted of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated or in lieu of a suspension when there is probable cause to believe a driver was operating a vehicle while intoxicated prior to conviction. The restriction remains in place for the period determined by the court or Indiana law. After expiration, the restriction will automatically be removed from the driver's record when the driver applies for an amended or renewed driver's license.
Restriction 7 – Seat Belt Exempt
An individual must bring to a BMV branch a physician's statement indicating that he or she should be exempt from wearing a seat belt. The statement must be on the physician’s office letterhead or prescription form. A new doctor's statement is required each time the credential is renewed.
To remove the restriction, the individual must visit a BMV branch and state that he or she is no longer exempt from wearing a seat belt. An amended credential will be issued without the restriction. If the individual is renewing a credential and does not provide a physician’s statement indicating that he or she is seat belt exempt, the restriction will be removed.
CDL holders are not eligible for the Restriction 7 per 49 CFR 392.16.
Restriction 8 – Medical Condition
This restriction is added to a learner’s permit or driver’s license to indicate that a driver takes medication in order to control seizures or fainting spells, or that the driver has an existing medical condition which may cause him or her to appear intoxicated. The driver must present a Physician’s Certificate of Medical Impairment – State Form 50018 at the time of application. The form must be completed by a licensed physician within 30 days prior to the learner’s permit or driver’s license application. The driver must carry a copy of the physician’s certificate when driving any motor vehicle.
To remove the restriction, the driver must present a Physician’s Certificate of Medical Impairment – State Form 50018, completed by a license physician, stating that the medical condition no longer exists.
** CDL holders with a restriction 8 also require an additional CDL Medical Exemption.
Restriction 9 – Temporary Lawful Resident
This restriction indicates that the holder of a credential has temporary lawful status in the United States. Before obtaining a secure credential, the individual must present documents proving his or her identity and lawful status.