Start searching for FSSA services and Medicaid providers in Indiana by selecting a category below.
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Medical Professionals
Are you on a Medicaid plan and looking for a doctor?
Medical Places
Are you on a Medicaid plan and looking for a facility like a pharmacy or hospital?
FSSA Locations
Are you looking for an FSSA office near you where you can apply for services?
Child Care
Are you looking for child care services in Indiana?
Addiction Services
Are you looking for treatment for addiction or recovery housing?
FSSA Programs
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This search finds child care providers currently licensed or registered with the state of Indiana. FSSA provides this web site to enhance public access to the information contained herein. The information and procedures set forth in this web site are subject to constant change and, therefore, should serve only as a foundation for further investigation and study. All information and procedures contained herein should be carefully reviewed and should serve only as a guide for use in specific situations. The inclusion of any provider in the search results found on this site should not be considered an endorsement of that provider.
Information provided is up-to-date based on current info in our system. If an error is discovered, it will be corrected as soon as possible in the database and the web.
FSSA hereby disclaims any and all responsibility or liability which may be asserted or claimed arising from or claimed to have arisen from reliance upon the procedures and information or utilization of the information set forth in this web site, or for any data inaccuracies contained in this web site.
If you are looking for inspection reports for a specific child care, click “Find Child Care” and you can search using the “Search by Name” link at the top of the screen. The inspection reports are found at the bottom of the “Provider Details” for each provider.
This search finds child care providers currently licensed or registered with the state of Indiana. FSSA provides this web site to enhance public access to the information contained herein. The information and procedures set forth in this web site are subject to constant change and, therefore, should serve only as a foundation for further investigation and study. All information and procedures contained herein should be carefully reviewed and should serve only as a guide for use in specific situations. The inclusion of any provider in the search results found on this site should not be considered an endorsement of that provider.
Information provided is up-to-date based on current info in our system. The majority of the data for each facility is manually entered into a database, which leaves the potential for human error. If FSSA staff make an error, it will be immediately corrected in the database and the web page upon discovery.
FSSA hereby disclaims any and all responsibility or liability which may be asserted or claimed arising from or claimed to have arisen from reliance upon the procedures and information or utilization of the information set forth in this web site, or for any data inaccuracies contained in this web site.
If you are looking for inspection reports for a specific child care, click “Find Child Care” and you can search using the “Search by Name” link at the top of the screen. The inspection reports are found at the bottom of the “Provider Details” for each provider.